Модуль Жана Монне / (Jean Monnet Module)
Проект номер 587634-EPP-1-2017-1-RU-EPPJMO-MODULE (Project number 587634-EPP-1-2017-1-RU EPPJMO-MODULE)
Year 2
- National security clause in EU and EAEU law and practice. ОГОВОРКА О НАЦИОНАЛЬНОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ В ПРАВЕ И ПРАКТИКЕ ЕС И ЕАЭС. // Международное правосудие и укрепление интеграционных процессов : Междунар. конф. (18–19 окт. 2018 г., г. Минск) : сб. материалов / отв. ред. А. С. Бугаева, К. В. Энтин. — Минск : Четыре четверти, 2019. — 382 с.
Year 3
- P.A. Kalinichenko. Impact of ECJ on the Russian legal system (SCOPUS)
- S. Kashkin. Shaping common economic and scientific areas is Europe and Eurasia (Scientific paper)
- EU legal regulation of trade in arms and dual use items (Monograph)
- Legal aspects of state procurements in the fields of defence and security in the European Union (Monograph)
- V. Slepak. Certain aspects of abuse of dominant position in the EU and EAEU (Scientific-paper)
- V. Slepak. Legal aspects of arms trade in the EAEU (Scientific-paper)
- V. Slepak. Legal remedies for economic operators in public procurement in the EU and Russia (Scientific paper)
- V. Slepak. National security clause law and practice of European Union and Eurasian Economic Union (SCOPUS)
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